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Monday, February 21, 2011

The world's biggest family: The man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren

The world's biggest family: The man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren

  • Ziona Chana lives with all of them in a 100-room mansion
  • His wives take it in turns to share his bed
  • It takes 30 whole chickens just to make dinner
He is head of the world's biggest family - and says he is 'blessed'  to have his 39 wives.
Ziona Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren.
They live in a 100-room, four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories.
The full monty: The Ziona family in its entirety with all 181 members
The full monty: The Ziona family in its entirety with all 181 members

You treat this place like a hotel: With 100 rooms the Ziona mansion is the biggest concrete structure in the hilly village of Baktawng
You treat this place like a hotel: With 100 rooms the Ziona mansion is the biggest concrete structure in the hilly village of Baktawng

Mr Chana told the Sun: 'Today I feel like God's special child. He's given me so many people to look after.
'I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the world's largest family.'
The family is organised with almost military discipline, with the oldest wife Zathiangi organising her fellow partners to perform household chores such as cleaning, washing and preparing meals. 
One evening meal can see them pluck 30 chickens, peel 132lb of potatoes and boil up to 220lb of rice.
Coincidentally, Mr Chana is also head of a sect that allows members to take as many wives as he wants.
Feeling peckish? The senior ladies of the Chana family show what it takes just to make a meal
Feeling peckish? The senior ladies of the Chana family show what it takes just to make a meal

The wives and I: Mr Ziona Chana poses with his 39 wives at their home in Baktawang, Mizoram, India
The wives and I: Mr Ziona Chana poses with his 39 wives at their home in Baktawang, Mizoram, India

He even married ten women in one year, when he was at his most prolific, and enjoys his own double bed while his wives have to make do with communal dormitories. 
He keeps the youngest women near to his bedroom with the older members of the family sleeping further away - and there is a rotation system for who visits Mr Chana's bedroom.
Rinkmini, one of Mr Chana's wives who is 35 years old, said: 'We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house. He is the most handsome person in the village.
She says Mr Chana noticed her on a morning walk in the village 18 years ago and wrote her a letter asking for her hand in marriage.
Shared bedroom: A look inside the four-storey mansion, Chhuanthar Run - The House of the New Generation
Shared bedroom: A look inside the four-storey mansion, Chhuanthar Run - The House of the New Generation

Another of his wives, Huntharnghanki, said the entire family gets along well. The family system is reportedly based on 'mutual love and respect' And Mr Chana, whose religious sect has 4,00 members, says he has not stopped looking for new wives.
'To expand my sect, I am willing to go even to the U.S. to marry,' he said.
One of his sons insisted that Mr Chana, whose grandfather also had many wives, marries the poor women from the village so he can look after them. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Character Protects Life ...!

It is rightly said that CHARACTER is the foundation for all true success. A person may have position, money or power, but unless he has "good" character she or he is not considered to be truly successful.
Character is said to be "the stable and distinctive qualities built into an individual's life which determine his or her response regardless of circumstances."
Abraham Lincoln said, "Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree." Our character is not just what we try to display for others to see, it is who we are even when no one is watching. Good character is doing the right thing because it is right to do what is right.
Character is a "complex of mental and ethical traits" and those qualities or traits are "built into an individual's life." These determine a person's response in any given situation.
If we were to make a list of good "character traits" or good” character qualities," our list would include words as:
Ø     Honesty
Ø     Integrity
Ø     Dependability
Ø     Loyalty
Ø     Enthusiasm
There are many more that could be added to this.
We can focus on building qualities if we break character down into its basic elements. This helps us to improve our overall character. Honesty is a good quality, for example, that really consists of several more basic qualities – dependability, truthfulness, diligence, etc. Therefore, when a person works on becoming more honest, he does so by becoming more dependable, more diligent, and more truthful.
Today’s world faces many difficult problems such as:
Escalating crime, drug and alcohol abuse, workplace violence, gang activity, vandalism, school dropouts, deteriorating work ethics, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, racial tensions, broken families...
The list seems endless.
Due to lack or misapplication of good character qualities, all of these problems spring out. We must deal with these roots to find lasting solutions to the problems in day to day life. We must work to improve our own character, teach good character to our children, and help those around us to improve their character!  Character development is essential to the ongoing success of our society. That is why Character Education is so important. Character is the Key to Success!
Our character is defined by what we do, not what we say or believe. There is a famous quote by Bruce Lee “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”
Some qualities required to protect character are:
·         Alertness: Being aware of what is taking place around me so I can have the right responses
·         Attentiveness: Showing the worth of a person or task by giving my undivided concentration
·         Availability: Making my own schedule and priorities secondary to the wishes of those I serve
·         Benevolence: Giving to others’ basic needs without having as my motive personal reward
·         Boldness: Confidence to say or do what is true, right and just
·         Cautiousness: Knowing the importance of right timing in accomplishing right actions
·         Compassion: Investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others
·         Contentment: Realizing that true happiness does not depend on material conditions
·         Creativity: Approaching a need, a task, or an idea from a new perspective
·         Decisiveness: The ability to recognize key factors and finalize difficult decisions
·         Deference: Limiting my freedom so I do not offend the tastes of those around me
·         Dependability: Fulfilling what I consented to do, even if it means unexpected sacrifice
·         Determination: Purposing to accomplish right goals at the right time, regardless of the opposition
·         Diligence: Investing all my energy to complete the tasks assigned to me
·         Discernment: Understanding the deeper reasons why things happen
·         Discretion: Recognizing and avoiding words, actions, and attitudes that could bring undesirable consequences
·         Endurance: The inward strength to withstand stress and do my best
·         Enthusiasm: Expressing joy in each task as I give it my best effort
·         Faith: Confidence that actions rooted in good character will yield the best outcome, even when I cannot see how
·         Flexibility: Willingness to change plans or ideas without getting upset
·         Forgiveness: Clearing the record of those who have wronged me and not holding a grudge
·         Generosity: Carefully managing my resources so I can freely give to those in need
·         Gentleness: Showing consideration and personal concern for others
·         Gratefulness: Letting others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life
·         Honour: Respecting others because of their worth as human beings
·         Hospitality: Cheerfully sharing food, shelter, and friendship with others
·         Humility: Acknowledging that achievement results from the investment of others in my life
·         Initiative: Recognizing and doing what needs to be done before I am asked to do it
·         Joyfulness: Maintaining a good attitude, even when faced with unpleasant conditions
·         Justice: Taking personal responsibility to uphold what is pure, right and true
·         Loyalty: Using difficult times to demonstrate my commitment to those I serve
·         Meekness: Yielding my expectations in order to benefit others
·         Obedience: Quickly and cheerfully carrying out the direction of those who are responsible for me
·         Orderliness: Arranging myself and my surroundings to achieve greater efficiency
·         Patience: Accepting a difficult situation without giving a deadline to remove it
·         Persuasiveness: Guiding vital truths around another’s mental roadblocks
·         Punctuality: Showing respect for other people and their time
·         Resourcefulness: Making wise use of what others might overlook or discard
·         Responsibility: Knowing and doing what is expected of me
·         Security: Structuring my life around that which cannot be destroyed or taken away
·         Self-Control: Rejecting wrong desires and doing what is right
·         Sensitivity: Using my senses to perceive the true attitudes and emotions of others
·         Sincerity: Eagerly doing what is right with transparent motives
·         Thoroughness: Knowing what factors will diminish the effectiveness of my work or words, if neglected
·         Thriftiness: Allowing myself and others to spend only what is necessary
·         Tolerance: Accepting others at different levels of maturity
·         Truthfulness: Earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts
·         Virtue: The moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right
·         Wisdom: Making practical application of truth in daily decisions
“Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.  There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught. “~J.C. Watts

Collected by: Shyam S. Pushpey